May 26, 2019
Sofia Fernandez has served with SPO since 2015, and shares about being spiritually healthy when raising support.
May 19, 2019
DeNail Sparks with Every Nation Ministries digs into the topic of People of Color raising support, and shares some of his personal journey.
May 12, 2019
Corrie Guckenberger with Back2Back Ministries discusses how supporters are blessed to be a part of a Great Commission ministry.
May 7, 2019
Corrie Guckenberger with Back2Back leads the MPD culture for Back2Back Ministries, and discusses how husbands and wives can work together in MPD.
May 7, 2019
Charles Wesley is a key leader involved with University Christian Outreach in Maryland. He discusses what it can look like to REALLY partner with supporters in a prayerful and relational way.